Woman working at a desk wearing pink dress

Everyday habits that keep me productive

It is sometimes hard to keep up with the pace of our responsibilities. Especially if you are someone like me, who doesn’t work one full-time job and does several tasks together, it can be harder to focus sometimes. If you work from home like me, you know that different factors can also affect productivity; the weather, bad mood, or even your cat waking you up too early in the morning (yes, that is very common with cat parents)! I found some tips helpful to focus easier and feel better while working every day. I’m going to share them with you and would love to read about your suggestions too! 

1. Writing down my tasks

Something that helps me organize my mind is writing down everything that I need to do. In the morning, I try to transfer everything that I have in my mind to my calendar and create a list to clear up my mind. Some of them might end up going into a special time slot in the future; I might resolve some of them right away or put them on a list of things I’ll need to get back to later. This way, I can free up my mind and focus better. There are things that I might need a few days to finish. Writing them down makes me feel like they will not be forgotten.

2. Having breakfast

We’ve always heard about the importance of breakfast. Fortunately, I love breakfast and enjoy it, unlike many others. However, sometimes I don’t feel like eating, especially early in the morning. To not skip breakfast, I split it up and start with a small portion of bread and cheese with my morning tea. After 1-2 hours, I go for a coffee and another piece of something. If you need to split your breakfast, just do it! That is for sure better than skipping it altogether.

3. Tidying up

I find my environment very influential in my mood. That’s why I try to keep things tidy on my desk and even in the whole house. I live in a small studio, so I’d better keep everything clean and neat, or my sight will look messy while I work. I used to do the same at work too. First, I would ensure things were organized in front of my eyes.

4. Working with natural light

I love the huge windows that our studio has. I have placed my desk beside the window, and I can turn around to watch the ocean and the boats when I need a break. I find working in natural light much better than using my no-window den! Also, I suggest having some plants around to brighten the workspace even more!

5. No-phone times

Some tasks need higher concentration levels, and I can easily get distracted by notifications and emails. I work with digital media, so it’s hard to actually stay away from my phone for a long time as I am literally working with it! But for a few hours in the middle of the day, I just try to put my phone a bit more out of reach to focus on the rest of the tasks and check it only once on my breaks.

6. Pre-planning lunch

Back in the days when I went to work every day, I had to think of lunch the previous night. So, it was usually planned and prepared, or I knew I would need to order. Now that I’m working from home, I tend to feel like I’ll decide something at lunchtime. This usually leads to unhealthy and fast meals. I find it much healthier to plan meals.

7. Slow times

I don’t have the same energy level all through the day. I start a little slow in the mornings, get higher and then my energy drops again in the afternoon. So, I know when to put more tasks on my plate and what to expect from myself. I know that I need more manageable tasks for the end of the day and may need to change my spot to elevate my mood.

8. Movement

I have never really managed to exercise regularly, but I find simple movement practices very helpful in the morning. In the afternoon, I have made a habit of walking every day, which helps me gain some energy to enjoy my evenings after a workday.

I hope these tips help you find more balance in your work life as well. Working from home seems exciting for many of us, but I think it requires mindful practices to ensure we do it right.