How to create social media videos without showing your face

Videos are a vital part of social media content strategy these days. Major social platforms including Facebook and Instagram now favor videos in their algorithm. Especially new video features like Reels. Other major ones like YouTube and TikTok are completely video based. So it is necessary more than ever, to make videos for your social media channels. A common problem is: Some people don’t like to show up in videos! They could take pictures of objects and places and keep their social media pages active. But what now that video is more important than ever? The good news is, if you don’t want to show up in your videos, you don’t HAVE TO at all! You only need to develop scenarios that don’t include you showing up. I’ll help you with that! If you speak Persian, you can go ahead and watch my video. Otherwise, please keep reading.

Make videos about what you do

Whether you have a personal or a business page, it is usually interesting for people to know how things are done. It might sound too normal and uninteresting to yourself sometimes, but for others your world is a new world worth watching. That is the whole point behind Instagram daily sharing, YouTube vlogs and so many amazing stuff on social media. If you don’t want to show up, that’s fine. Think about ways you can show what you do without being in front of the camera. For example, if you do art works, show parts of the process of your work, how you make things, how and where you shop the materials, or the way you use different types of tools by filming objects or maybe your hands.

Create backstage videos

In many businesses there are lots of invisible stages of work that your customers don’t know about. Showing these moments from behind the scenes can be something worth watching. For example, when I worked at an online food ordering company, I used to share short and friendly semi-interviews with staff working in different sections like developers and my coworkers in the support unit. Not only seeing the work environment was interesting for our followers, but also hearing what staff said about their job made them feel closer to the company. It was nice to see that humans were working to deliver their food and it wasn’t all robots and automation. If you want to do this for your small business without showing up, you can show parts of your office, your work setting, some of your achievements through the day and such. These pieces of content feel so friendly and help your audiences to connect with you rather than just seeing the final product.

Share a screen record

Sharing a screen record is a perfect way of educating, especially for creators who talk about software, applications or teach something. One of the best methods to share educational material is by showing the exact process on a screen. Even on YouTube which is completely video based, this is a common method that many creators use. Another way of doing this is drawing doodles or sharing informative slides in a video format. There are even videos made by filming a whiteboard or blackboard.

Transform images to videos

There are easy ways for you to create motion images with no content at all! If you have no photos and no videos, but you want to make a promotion, you still have ways to do this. Of course without showing your face! One easy way to create content out of nothing is using or the Canva application. Go to and you will find lots of templates in different sizes for making social media content. There is a feature available for creating videos too. Choose “video” and select one of the templates that fits best to your theme. You can apply any changes you want to the colors, text and the setting. You can also search for images and music and add them to your design or replace your own material – if you have any- with images that exist in the template. Use these videos to publish your announcements, promotions and anything else that fits.