Digital Communications Specialist and Creator

Five ways to get your posts on Instagram explore

Instagram explore is where we all want our posts to end up! Although it’s hard to create something that stands out between all those loads of content out there, it is possible to increase the likelihood. Explore is the key to organic growth and gaining followers without spending money. There is no way one can guarantee reaching explore, however I’m sharing 5 ways you can count on to increase the chances. If you speak Persian, you can go ahead and watch my video. Otherwise, please keep reading.

1. Share loveable content

It’s always easy to share what you love, but it’s harder to figure out what your followers love. Part of this depends on your own previous content and anything that caused your follower growth. So you need to be consistent with your post topics and keep followers engaged and happy. The good engagement will result in more visibility and growth. Another way to understand what users and potential followers love is analyzing the explore page. You can see what content types get more engagement, which styles are the popular ones and how you can use them.

2. Publish more videos

Videos are harder to make, but the reward is higher reach, since they bring more engagement. When users start watching your videos, they spend more time on your post compared to when they see a photo in a second and continue scrolling. That’s more engagement through time spent on your post. The longer time spent on your post sends a message to the algorithm: “they liked your post. Let’s show it to more users.”

3. Include call to actions

Do you want engagement? Tell everyone. Let them know what you want them to do. You can ask them a question so that you give them an idea for commenting and make it easy for them. You can remind them to share or save your post, or ask them to click a link in your bio or story. Try to include a call to action in every post and show what you are expecting your followers to do. It actually does lead to higher engagements and you’ll see the difference.

4. Post at the best time

Posting at the right times when your followers are online is an important point for gaining a higher reach and ending up on explore. Your post needs to see reactions by the people who first see it, so that the algorithm favors it over other available content and shows it to more people. So post when more people are online and increase the likelihood of getting comments and likes. Check your best times in your insights and make sure to test different times on your page to find the best peak that works for your page.

5. Use new features

New features are harder to hop on! Not everyone knows how to use them yet. But if you are among the first ones, it’s obvious that you have less rivals there. That’s how Instagram Reels helped many small pages grow fast during its first year. IGTV also brought a high visibility to those who were using it when it was first introduced. Keep an eye on new features and jump on them because Instagram and other social platforms favor them over older features to convince more people to use them. That means, the platform helps you get more visibility when you use its new features. It’s worth a little more effort to be the first one who learns what to do with that new button!

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